
Integrated environmental regulation – the Ministry of Environmental Protection


Advising the Ministry of Environmental Protection regarding regulation of plants that require emission permits under the Clean Air Law and under integrated regulation (under the Business Licensing Law), and in establishing and implementing an integrated industrial regulation policy (IPPC – Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control).

The challenge

Providing consultancy services covering very broad environmental fields on many issues and according to very tight schedules, while maintaining a high level of professionalism and a high quality of products.

Our part in the project management

Full management of projects, both on the management side and on the professional side. As part of our consultancy services, DHVMED deals with examining and writing permits and licenses for major plants in Israel, including power stations, refineries, the petrochemical industry, the mineral industry, natural gas extraction platforms, and others. The Company also provides the Ministry of Environmental Protection with consultancy services on all matters relating to environmental policy and regulation according to the European directives (IPPC, IED, SEVESO) and consultancy services on all matters relating to reporting emissions and transfer of pollutants to the environment (PRTR).

Other projects

Water and sewage planning for the Ramat Beit Shemesh Dalet-4 neighborhood

Construction of infrastructure for the expanding neighborhood Ramat Beit Shemesh

Inspection of the Peace Lagoon in Eilat for the Government Tourism Company

Characterization of the problems that have arisen at the lagoon in Eilat and suggesting solutions in order to allow the construction of hotels nearby

Upgrading the Sorek sewage works

Upgrading the Sorek sewage works (Jerusalem West) to work at a flow rate of 110,000 m3 per day

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